
About me

I am Matthieu Caruel, an associate professor at Université Paris-Est Créteil and a researcher at the MSME laboratory. My academic background is in Mechanical Engineering and Materials, and I have further specialized in Biomechanics and Statistical Physics through my Master’s and PhD studies.

My primary research area is the modeling of cooperative molecular biomechanical processes, with a particular focus on muscle contraction. In my work, I aim to integrate knowledge from various fields, from physiology to applied mathematics, to explore the broader dimensions of biomechanical phenomena.

Beyond research, I teach mechanical engineering at Université Paris-Est Créteil. I emphasize ensuring that students grasp foundational concepts and can implement them in practical scenarios. I participate in a course of statistical physics applied to cell motility at Ecole Polytechnique. I also introduce PhD students to academic writing tools such as LaTeX and Pandoc.

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with various professionals and institutions. I have worked with the Inria MΞDISIM team on mathematical and numerical methods for computational biomechanical modeling. Some of my notable collaborations are with Anne Houdusse from Institut Curie, Paris; J.E. Rothman, who has made significant contributions in cellular biology; and the PhysioLab team, led by V. Lombardi and M. Linari, specializing in experimental muscle physiology.

I remain committed to advancing knowledge, promoting collaborative efforts, and contributing to the ongoing evolution and innovation within the field of biomechanics.

About this Website

This website has been created with Quarto. I encourage all researchers to explore and utilize this free open-source software developed by Posit for building personal or research group websites.

Quarto serves as a pandoc wrapper, enabling the conversion of a series of markdown files into various formats, including .html, .tex, .pdf, and more. Additionally, it allows the embedding of executable code, similar to a Jupyter notebook, within the pages, providing an engaging way to showcase your work alongside traditional papers.

The workflow for creating and deploying your website is straightforward:

  1. Create and write your content in markdown format.
  2. Configure your preferences, such as theme and .css styles, in a settings .yaml file.
  3. Use Quarto to “render” the website. This command generates a folder containing your standalone website.
  4. The final step involves uploading the generated website to a Git repository (in this case, I used GitHub) and having it automatically monitored by a web publishing platform (I used Netlify).

The entire process can be summarized as follows:

Create and Edit .md Files
Render Website using Quarto
Push Modifications to GitHub
Check Automatic Deployment

…and all of this can be accomplished without leaving your favorite Markdown editor and for free! I only subscribed to a domain provider but this is not necessary.

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