Muscle as a Metamaterial Operating Near a Critical
M. Caruel
J.-M. Allain
L. Truskinovsky
2013 June 14
The passive mechanical response of skeletal muscles at fast time
scales is dominated by long range interactions inducing cooperative
behavior without breaking the detailed balance. This leads to such
unusual “material properties” as negative equilibrium stiffness and
different behavior in force and displacement controlled loading
conditions. Our fitting of experimental data suggests that “muscle
material” is finely tuned to perform close to a critical point which
explains large fluctuations observed in muscles close to the stall
Active behavior of skeletal muscles is associated with time scales of
about 30 ms [1,2]. At shorter times (∼1 ms) muscles exhibit a nontrivial
passive response: if a tetanized muscle is suddenly extended,
it comes loose, and if it is shortened, it tightens up with apparently
no involvement of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) [3–7]. This unusual
mechanical behavior, associated with the unfolding of the attached
myosin cross-linkers (cross-bridges), qualifies muscles as metamaterials
[8]. As we
argue below, an important factor in this behavior is the dominance of
parallel connections with multiple shared links entailing cooperative
effects; see Fig. 1.
Similar mean-field coupling can be found in many hierarchical biological
systems [9–11]; in
particular, it plays a crucial role in cell adhesion, where individual
binding elements interact through a common elastic background [12].
Interaction-induced synchronization during muscle contractions
reveals itself through macroscopic fluctuations and spatial
inhomogeneities [13–17]. In
ratchet-based and chemomechanical models such collective behavior is
usually attributed to breaking of the detailed balance [18–21], with long
range interactions entering the problem implicitly as a force dependence
of the chemical rates [22–25]. However,
the cooperative behavior of myosin cross-bridges can be detected during
short time force recovery [26–29], and
therefore the origin of synchronization should be within reach of models
disregarding disequilibrium and activity. In this Letter, we show that
already equilibrium response of “muscle material” is associated with
highly synchronized behavior at the microscale which explains its
unusual passive response.
In particular, we show that an order-disorder phase transition is
displayed by the celebrated Huxley-Simmons (HS) model [3] if, instead of physiological
isometric loading conditions (length clamp) also known as a hard
device, one considers isotonic (load clamp) loading conditions or a
soft device. While a considerable difference in behavior of a
muscle loaded in these two different ways can be deduced from
experimental data [30–32], the
origin of the disparity has been so far unexplained. We argue that
behind it is a nonequivalence of equilibrium ensembles ubiquitous in
systems with long range interactions [33].
Most remarkably, we find that a careful parameter fitting places the
actual skeletal muscle almost exactly into a ferromagnetic Curie point.
This agrees with the observation [3] that the effective stiffness of
skeletal muscles associated with fast force recovery is close to zero in
the state of isometric contractions and strongly suggests that muscles
are finely tuned to perform near marginal stability. Other
experimentally observed manifestations of criticality include kinetic
slowing down and large scale macroscopic fluctuations near the stall
force conditions [26–29].
We demonstrate the robustness of our predictions by comparing the HS
model, which we interpret as a hard spin description, with a regularized
(RHS) model where filament elasticity is taken into consideration and
conventional spins are replaced by elastic snap springs.
Fig. 1: Schematic structure of the three layers of
organization inside a sarcomere: (a) global architecture with
domineering parallel links; (b) structure of an elementary contractile
unit shown in more detail in Fig. 2; (c)
individual attached cross-bridge represented by a bistable element in
series with a shear spring. Fig. 2: Elementary contractile unit. (a) Energy of the
bistable (power-stroke) element: HS model (thin line) and RHS model
(thick line); (b) N cross-bridges in
hard device. In the HS model, κ0,κ1,κf=∞ and
The HS model.— We consider a prototypical model of a
half-sarcomere with N attached
cross-bridges arranged in parallel [3]; at time scales of fast force
recovery N can be considered constant
[5,31]. Each
cross-bridge is modeled as a series connection of a bistable spin unit
and a linear (shear) spring; see Fig. 2. We use
dimensionless variables with the power-stroke size a as a unit of displacement and κa2 as the unit of energy, where
κ is the stiffness of the series
spring. Then the spin variable takes values xi=0 (pre-power-stroke state) and xi=−1 (post-power-stroke state), and the
total energy per particle in the hard device is v(x,z)=(1/N)∑[(1+xi)v0+(1/2)(z−xi)2], where v0 is the energetic bias of the
pre-power-stroke state. In this formulation, the HS model describes the
simplest paramagnetic spin system.
At finite temperature θ, the
equilibrium behavior of this system is characterized by the free energy
per particle f^(z,β)=−[1/(Nβ)]ln∫exp[−βNv(x,z)]dx
where β=κa2/(kbθ). At fixed p=−(1/N)∑xi, representing the fraction of cross-bridges in the
post-power-stroke state, the macroscopic ( N→∞ ) free energy takes the form f=p[21(z+1)2]+(1−p)[21z2+v0]+β1S(p) where S(p)=plog(p)+(1−p)log(1−p). The
function f(p) is always convex with a
minimum at p^(z,β)=1/2−(1/2)tanh[(β/2)(z−v0+1/2)]. The equilibrium tension per
cross-bridge is then t=(z+p^),
which is exactly the formula found by Huxley and Simmons. The
equilibrium free energy is f^=−β1ln{exp[−2β(z+1)2]+exp[−β(2z2+v0)]} and the susceptibility (stiffness) is
t′(z)=f^′′(z). The
function f^(z) is convex for β<4 and is nonconvex for β>4 exhibiting a range with negative
equilibrium stiffness (metamaterial behavior). If we take the values
from [3], a=8 nm and κa2/2=2kbθ, we obtain β=4, which corresponds to zero
stiffness at the state of isometric contractions z0=v0−1/2.
In the soft device setting, not studied by Huxley and Simmons, the
energy becomes w(x,z,t)=v(x,z)−tz, where t is the applied force per particle. Now the
variable z plays the role of an
internal parameter whose adiabatic elimination produces a Curie-Weiss
mean-field potential depending on (∑xi)2. The equilibrium Gibbs free energy is now g^(t,β)=−[1/(Nβ)]ln∫exp[−βNw(x,z,t)]dxdz. At fixed p we obtain in the thermodynamic limit g=−21t2+pt+(1−p)v0+21p(1−p)+β1S(p), where the “regular
solution” term is responsible for cooperative (ferromagnetic)
In Fig. 3, we show the position of the
minima of g(p) when t is chosen to ensure that in the
paramagnetic phase p^(t,β)=1/2. In the disordered (high
temperature) state all cross-bridges are in random conformations, while
in the ordered (low temperature) state the system exhibits coherent
fluctuations between post-power-stroke and pre-power-stroke
configurations. These fluctuations describe temporal
microstructures responsible for the plateau in the force-elongation
relation z^=t−p^, where
p^ is a solution of t−p^+1/2−v0+(1/β)ln[p^/(1−p^)]=0.
Fig. 3: Bifurcation diagram for the HS model placed in a
soft device showing synchronized states (A and C) and disordered state
(B). Solid lines shows minima of the Gibbs free energy at t=1. The critical point is located at β=4.
The equilibrium Gibbs energy is concave because g^′′(t)=−1−βN⟨(p−p^)2⟩≤0, so in the soft
device the stiffness is always positive. Since in the hard device the
stiffness is sign indefinite, the two ensembles are not equivalent. This
is expected for systems with strong long range interactions that are
inherently nonadditive [33–35]. Negative
stiffness in the hard device HS model has been known for a long time
[3,23,36–39]; however,
it was not previously associated with the particular internal
architecture of muscle material.
As we have already mentioned, the original HS fit of experimental
data [3] places the
system exactly into the critical state (Curie point). In this
state the correlation length diverges and fluctuations become
macroscopic, which is consistent with observations at stall force
conditions [14,40–42]. This
suggests that skeletal muscles, as many other biological systems, may be
tuned to criticality. The proximity to the critical point would then be
the result of either evolutionary or functional self-organization. The
marginal stability of the critical state allows the system to amplify
interactions, ensure strong feedback, and achieve considerable
robustness in front of random perturbations. In particular, it is a way
to quickly switch back and forth between highly efficient synchronized
stroke and stiff behavior in the desynchronized state.
Fig. 4: Recovery rates in hard and soft devices. Symbols:
Postprocessing of experimental data; see [30–32]. Open
symbols, hard device; filled symbols, soft device. Dashed lines: HS
model in hard (h) and soft (s) devices; parameters are taken from [3]. Solid lines: RHS model in hard (h)
and soft (s) devices obtained from stochastic simulations; parameters
have been fit to experimental data: λ1=0.41, λ0=1.21, λf=0.72, l=−0.08, N=112, β=52 (κ=2 pN/nm, a=10 nm, θ=277.13 K), z0=4.2 nm/hs.
The ensembles nonequivalence in the HS model has also a kinetic
signature. Experiments on quick recovery reveal that muscle fibers react
to load steps much slower than to length steps [7,31,32]. This
agrees with our model, where coherent response (in isotonic conditions)
is always slower than disordered response (in isometric conditions).
Indeed, by using Kramers approximation Huxley and Simmons obtained in
a hard device the kinetic equation ⟨p⟩˙=−k−⟨p⟩+k+(1−⟨p⟩), where ⟨p⟩ is the average over
ensemble. The constants k+,k−
satisfy the detailed balance k+/k−=exp[−β(z−v0+1/2)],
and the recovery rate is 1/τ=k−{1+exp[−β(z−v0+1/2)]}. In a soft device we may use
the same model with z=t−⟨p⟩, which accounts for force-dependent chemistry and
introduces nonlinear feedback. The characteristic rate around a given
state ⟨p⟩ is then 1/τ=k−{1+[1−β(1−⟨p⟩)]exp[−β(t−⟨p⟩−v0+1/2)]}. When
⟨p⟩ is small, t−⟨p⟩>z, and the relaxation
in a soft device is slower than in a hard device. In Fig. 4, we show the rates obtained
from the HS model; in the case of a soft device, the nonlinear kinetic
equation was solved numerically for the duration 10 ms. We see that in a
soft device the rates are indeed slower than in a hard device, however,
the experimental measurements are not matched quantitatively.
The RHS model.— To test the robustness of the HS mechanism
of synchronization and to achieve quantitative agreement with kinetic
data, we now consider a natural regularization of the HS model. First,
following [38] we replace
hard spins by soft spins described by a piecewise quadratic double well
potential – see Fig. 2(a)– uRHS(x)={21λ0(x)2+v021λ1(x+1)2if x>l,if x≤l, where λ1=κ1/κ, λ0=κ0/κ. Second, we introduce a mixed device (mimicking
myofilament elasticity [18,43,44]) by
adding to our parallel bundle a series spring. The resulting energy per
cross-bridge in a hard device is v(x,y;z)=N1i=1∑N[uRHS(xi)+21(y−xi)2]+2λf(z−y)2, where y is a new internal variable and λf=κf/(Nκ); see
Fig. 2(b). It is clear that our lump
description of filament elasticity misrepresents short range
interactions [45–47]; however,
this should not affect our main results [48,49].
To study the soft device case we must again consider the energy w(x,y,z,t)=v(x,y,z)−tz,
where t is the applied force per
cross-bridge. A transition from hard to soft ensemble is made by taking
the limit λf→0,
z→∞ with λfz→t. At finite λf the RHS model can be viewed as a
version of the mean-field φ4
model studied in [10,11,33].
The HS model is a limiting case of the RHS model with λ1,0→∞ and λf→∞. The first of
these limits allows one to replace continuous dynamics by jumps and use
the language of chemical kinetics; however, it also erases information
about the barriers; see [38]. The second limit eliminates the
Curie-Weiss (mean-field) interaction among individual cross-bridges at
fixed z, and that is why the
synchronized behavior was overlooked in [3].
Fig. 5: Phase diagram for the RHS model in a hard device
with z selected to ensure that ⟨p⟩=1/2 at each point (β,λf). In the shaded region,
the function f(p) is nonconvex which
leads to coherent fluctuations. Outside this region, fluctuations are
not synchronized. The cross indicates an almost critical configuration
with realistic parameters (used in Fig. 4).
Equilibrium behavior in the RHS model can be again described
analytically, because it is just a redressed HS model. In the limit
λf→∞ the function f(p) is convex as in HS model, while at
finite values of λf it is now
nonconvex. This shows that in the RHS model the account of filament
elasticity brings about phase transition (and bistability) also in the
hard device.
The bistable nature of the macroscopic free energy in both soft and
hard devices implies that the system can be in two coherent states, and
therefore within a large set of half-sarcomeres one should expect
observable spatial inhomogeneities. This prediction is in agreement with
ubiquitous “off-center” displacements of M lines recorded
during isometric contractions [14].
The phase diagram showing the role of filament elasticity in hard
device is shown in Fig. 5. The dependence of the
critical temperature on λf
suggests that actomyosin systems can control the degree of cooperativity
by tuning the internal stiffness; likewise, variable stiffness of the
loading device may be used in experiments to either activate or
deactivate the collective behavior. Notice that the realistic choice of
parameters again selects a near critical state; the exact criticality is
compromised since the symmetry between the pre- and post-power-stroke
states is now broken (as λ1=λ0) and the phase transition becomes weakly first order;
see Fig.6.
A behavior similar to our synchronization has been also observed in
the models of passive adhesive clusters, where the elastic feedback
appears as strain- or force-dependent chemistry [12]. Given that the two systems exhibit
almost identical cooperative behavior, we expect criticality to be also
a factor in the operation of focal adhesions.
Fig. 6: Bifurcation diagram for nonsymmetric RHS model with
realistic parameters: (a) hard device with z=0.37; (b) soft device with t=0.21; this loading secures that ⟨p⟩=1/2 for β=52. Parameters are as in Fig. 4. Inset (a) corresponds to
β=52, inset (b) to β=25.
The two ensembles, soft and hard, remain inequivalent in the RHS
model. Thus, in the soft device the equilibrium Gibbs free energy g^ is concave since g^′′(t)=−1/λf−βN⟨(y−⟨y⟩)2⟩≤0 which means that the
stiffness is always positive. Instead in the hard device f^′′(z)=λf[1−βN⟨(y−⟨y⟩)2⟩], and the stiffness can
be both positive and negative. While negative stiffness should be a
characteristic feature of realistic half-sarcomeres (see Fig. 7), it has not been observed in
experiments on whole myofibrils. The reason may be that in myofibrils a
single half-sarcomere is never loaded in a hard device. The effective
dimensionless temperature may also be higher because of the quenched
disorder, and the stiffness may be smaller due to nonlinear elasticity.
One can also expect the unstable half-sarcomeres to be stabilized
actively through processes involving ATP hydrolysis [50].
To study kinetics in the RHS model we perform direct numerical
simulations by using a Langevin thermostat. We assume that the
macroscopic variables y and z are fast and are always mechanically
equilibrated which is not an essential assumption. The response of the
remaining variables xi is governed by
the system dxi=b(xi)dt+2β−1dBi, where the drift is b(x,z)=−uRHS′(xi)+(1+λf)−1(λfz+N−1∑xi)−xi in a hard device and b(x,t)=−uRHS′(xi)+t+N−1∑xi−xi in a soft device. In both cases the
diffusion term dBi represents a
standard Wiener process.
Fig. 7: (a) States attainable during quick recovery: solid
line, T2; dotted line, L2; dashed line, L2qs corresponds to quasistationary
states; dash-dotted line, T1 and L1. Symbols show experimental points for
hard (open) and soft (filled) devices; see [30–32]. In a hard
device, the equilibrium T2 curve
coincides with the results of stochastic simulations. In a soft device,
the equilibrium L2 curve differs
from the simulation results at 10 ms (L2qs curve). Averaged trajectories
after abrupt loading at 1 ms: (b) in a
hard device and (c) in a soft device. Curve (1): δz=−1 nm/hs; curve (2): δz=−5 nm/hs; curve (3): t/t0=0.9; curve (4): t/t0=0.5 with t0=0.21. Other parameters are as in
In Fig. 7, we show the results of stochastic
simulations imitating quick recovery experiments [3]. The system, initially in thermal
equilibrium at fixed z0 (or t0), was perturbed by applying fast (∼100μs) length (or load) steps with
various amplitudes. In a soft device the system was not able to reach
equilibrium within the experimental time scale. Instead, it remained
trapped in a quasistationary (glassy) state because of the high energy
barrier associated with collective power stroke. Such kinetic trapping
which fits the pattern of two-stage dynamics exhibited by systems with
strong long range interactions [33,51,52] may
explain the failure to reach equilibrium in experiments reported in
[27–29]. In the hard
device case, the cooperation among the cross-bridges is weaker and
kinetics is much faster, allowing the system to reach equilibrium at the
experimental time scale. A quantitative comparison of the rates obtained
in our simulations with experimental values (see Fig. 4) shows that the RHS model
reproduces the kinetic data in both hard and soft ensembles rather
In conclusion, we mention that the prototypical nature of our model
implies that passive collective behavior should be a property
common to general cross-linked actomyosin networks. We have shown that
the degree of cooperativity in such networks can be strongly affected by
elastic stiffness of the filaments. This suggests that a generic system
of this type can be tuned to criticality by an actively generated
prestress [53].
We thank D. Chapelle, J.-F. Joanny, K.Kruse, and V. Lombardi for
insightful comments. M. Caruel thanks Monge PhD fellowship from Ecole
Polytechnique for financial support.
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